The First Stop on Your Journey to Peace...

Welcome to ASAP Counseling Services LLC. We specialize in turning the viciousness of your past into the victory of your future.
We all have experienced pain and hardship in our lives, and sometimes it seems hard to bear. We suffer with the cares of our financial situations, our children, our love lives, our careers and our true identity.
No one is equipped to harbor all of these problems and never find a solution.
ASAP Counseling Services LLC provides the AbsoluteSolution to All Problems and ensures our clients experience hope during desperate situations.
We believe God's word is the supreme authority to mental soundness in any situation and the "absolute solution to all the problems." We believe and utilize proven counseling tools and techniques (R.E.A.L., Framework & Temperament Therapy) to help the person achieve results that will transform his or her life in most of our sessions. We believe when an individual trust the authority of God's word they can move from a feeling of failure and victim to victor, conquering any situation as they live and put into practice a transformed life based on God's Word!

Thank you for booking your appointment online. Please note that an appointment is not confirmed until you get an email from ASAP Counseling Services LLC confirming your appointment.
Depression is NOT God's desire for you! Yet so many people suffer with this issue without seeking out the necessary help.
Stress comes from a place of despair but God is ALWAYS available to help bring you to a place of peace.
Marital Problems?
Too many couples decide to give up on the love they once knew rather than seek the help through wise counsel that is available to them. We can help you.